The Municipal Accessibility Steering Committee guides the Municipal Accessibility Support Program by providing oversight, direction, advocacy, and decision-making to promote program success.
Each member brings their unique experiences and perspectives to the committee, both professionally and personally, to ensure the Municipal Accessibility Support Program is meeting the needs of those it is designed to support, as well as following accessibility best practices in all we do.
pdf Municipal Accessibility Steering Committee Terms of Reference (253 KB)
Municipal Accessibility Steering Committee Members
Municipal Representatives
- Earl MacKenzie (P.Eng., RHFAC certified), Director of Engineering and Public Works for the Town of New Glasgow
- Elise Johnston, Accessibility and Inclusion Coordinator for the Region of Queens Municipality
- Katie MacArthur, Accessibility Coordinator for Kings County
- Ken Knox, Municipal Development Officer for Annapolis Royal
- Peter McCracken, Deputy CAO for the Municipality of Cumberland
Stakeholder Representatives
- Paula Huntley, Councillor, Town of Kentville
- Andrea Hyslop, Senior Policy Analyst, Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing (DMAH)
- Laura Beth MacPherson, Senior Policy Analyst, Nova Scotia Accessibility Directorate
Open Seats
The Municipal Accessibility Steering Committee has open seats for people representing the following roles and organizations:
- Municipal Building Official
- Member from the Association of Nova Scotian Villages
If you are interested in joining the committee, please contact us at